Minnow...OVER HERE!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
posted June 19, 2003 03:11 PM
They are so brave they ban THAN attack someone in their forum. See what happens when you hang out with BP...


Than Minnow FLUFFED:

"After the thread had run it's course Agent Lou revealed himself triumphantly, comparing this ruse scenario of Agent X to his situation with GCS and his confiscated video equipment."

Minnow, GO **** YOURSELF! The thread was deleted because it had all the chumps BUSTED. You, Major, Devil, Mark Del, outofREALITY and all the other scumbags conspiritors of theivery over there. WHY ELSE WOULD IT BE DELETED, C**T!

No go suck some more co cks of theives you pig.

Delete or move this thread...WAKE UP A SLEEPING GIANT!
Posts: 236 | Registered: June 06, 2000

Certifiably Crazy
posted June 19, 2003 03:16 PM

Posts: 1929
Joined: Nov 2000
Wednesday, February 06, 2002 10:15 AM

NAB is SOLID and pays PERIOD. They have good offers for the average bettor and some of the most competitive perks out there. I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep with my money in NAB.

..... You cant run with the big dogs if you are afraid to come off the porch
Posts: 315 | Registered: May 11, 2003

Lou Diamond
Certifiably Crazy
posted June 19, 2003 03:26 PM
The mentality(lack of) on these posting boards truly is AMAZING. I'm in under my feet.
Posts: 236 | Registered: June 06, 2000

Certifiably Crazy
posted June 19, 2003 03:32 PM
How about this brown noser Lou?

Comp Fan

Posts: 4063
Joined: Nov 2001
Saturday, February 09, 2002 2:06 PM

Bill from NAB...
For what it's worth, I'm on your side of this argument. But let me share some words of wisdom that mt father-in-law told me years ago "you can't win a p*ssing match with a skunk".

I am very glad to have you contributing to this site. I am sure that it will be productive for your shop to be heard here. If you are to continue contributing, without losing your mind, I think that you will probably be best served to ignore the poster(s) who have an obvious agenda against you and/or your shop.

There are a lot more of us out here who either like your place or have no opinion. Those are the folks I would try and reach out to. The VOCAL minority - pass on their posts. They will die of neglect unless the flames are fanned.

Mark Dell - you are a man of wisdom, education, and street smarts. What a treat it is to have you here. This business is a much better place because of honorable, fair, concerned, vocal, unafraid folks such as yourself being involved.

Best of luck with your endeavours. I look forward to posting up with both NAB and CAMELOT in the near future.

Comp Fan
Posts: 315 | Registered: May 11, 2003

Lou Diamond
Certifiably Crazy
posted June 19, 2003 03:42 PM
Wow! What a post! Could anyone ever be more wrong on a statement?

Anyways, I think Comp is a genuinely good hearted person. But we'll find out soon if he still hangs with theives after knowing they're thieves.
Posts: 236 | Registered: June 06, 2000

Certifiably Crazy
posted June 19, 2003 04:07 PM
Louie welcome to the Rx
Posts: 1717 | From: Denmark | Registered: April 17, 2003

Lou Diamond
Certifiably Crazy
posted June 19, 2003 09:09 PM
Thanks JJ.

Minnow calling me out at MW:

Apparently I said something that offended you deeply, as I have multi people sending me links to something you wrote across the street. If you think you can post without the vulgarity, and at the risk of awakening "THE SLEEPING GIANT", you are welcome to re-register as Lou Diamond, and post in this thread."


Only a scumbag degenerate would have anything to do with Major Wager after seeing them conspire to rip me off followed by the books in question ripping off all those people, ALL FOR MW EGOS AND GREED! Face it. The industry is filled with morons and idiots and they follow the advice of cheap whores. Can you figure out which one you are?

"I don't think I posted anything in here to deserve such a rude response."

You're a MAJOR $2 whore who fluffs for THE DEVIL. Don't be fooled, you deserve it.

"You lumped me in with other people who responded in your agent x thread, which happened well over a year ago, right? My memory is once again being tested, but I am 99% sure I never even offered an opinion in that thread. I have never insulted or spoken to you in a degrading way either."

You keep saying 99% this. My memory that. How come you can't remember WHY I was banned or Why the Agent X thread was deleted? You said the tread ran it's course. I know it was deleted after all the thieves HUNG THEMSELVES. Show us!!

You can fool the guppies over at Sportsbook Cons-R-Us, but I'm no guppie Minnow.

Btw, Just look at your PIMP BEGGING for my return by starting this sh!t.... Traffic is slow over there. So genius thinks,,,,hmmm...Start a thread attacking Lou Diamond. Let him post. Delete/Ban him when the flames get a little too hot. Here somes our traffic again.

What a bunch of chumps.

Fu ck You
Fu ck Major Wager
Deny the Devil.
Posts: 236 | Registered: June 06, 2000


Certifiably Crazy
posted June 19, 2003 09:11 PM
Slow? LOL.....look at the tards in your yard.
Posts: 822 | Registered: July 05, 2002

The General

Chief Executive Officer of Morale Control GeneralPete@Hotmail.com
posted June 19, 2003 09:12 PM
Lou Diamond,

Keep MW at MW.

Copy in RR for you to play in.

Posts: 14677 | From: South Central Indiana | Registered: March 02, 2002
Ok Lou, You were arguing that you were being attacked and it was chickenshit because you are banned there and can't defend yourself. So I tell you you are welcome to re-register and you snipe that we actually want you there to create traffic.

If I am an enemy by association, then fine. Enjoy your circlejerk if you can find anyone who wants to play your game.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Why can't you find the Agent X thread and prove me wrong? Seems it would be much more credible than this drivel.

And while you're at it, maybe you can explain to everyone why your PIMPS aren't chickenshit for banning than attacking me. What could they possibly be so afraid of? Hmmmmmm. maybe the Agent X thread?

Back to the top
Lou, did you save the Agent X thread? I would like to see it again myself.
Didn't you post the same thing here too?
Is that what this whole thing is about? Getting me to "admit" the thread was deleted? I thought that went without saying. Basically, (I'm 98% sure - lol) anything "Lou" went out the door, including your rants. You were banned. You were an unwelcome disruption, obsessed with wreaking havok. Did anyone but you think your fabricated analogy proved something? For the record, I really hoped you would get compensated for your loss, whether it was a valid beef or not. I don't know why the cops did not return your stuff when they raided the guys house where it was stored.
And you know what? You were kind of swaying me with the grannyscammer rants, until Clevfan nicely asked for more details and you went nuts calling her names.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Please take this Lou guy back ... all he does is complain, cry, complain, cry ... it's been nothing but an infinite cycle of irritation with this Lou guy.

He's even calling out General - the Godfather of Niceness.

PLEASE - for the love of God - Take Lou BACK!!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"Did anyone but you think your fabricated analogy proved something?"

I guess enough people to warrant the thread to disappear and than banning the author. Other than that, about 100 more that chimed in the thread.

No need to wonder anymore, Ol' Fluffy one.

Next time you wonder why I call you the certain names and/or people ask you why... use this for your reference.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You keep forgetting to answer this....

Why can't you find the Agent X thread and prove me wrong?

Com'on this is your chance to show everyone you're not a fluffer.
Lou, I answered that in my last post. You had been banned for ages there when you ghosted back in with the agent x scenario. After you were perma-banned as "Lou Diamond" you used dozens of ghosts to produce dozens of flaming threads. All were banned and everything related was deleted. I'll risk more of your wrath by adding this: as far as I know. All of this happened well over a year ago, right? I don't even know if I was working there at the time!

I have a question for you now. Do you treat people like this in real life?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"Lou, I answered that in my last post."

You mean you fluffed around a real answer and posted some bs...

"You had been banned for ages there when you ghosted back in with the agent x scenario."

What does that have to do with why a thread gets deleted after 100 or so other posters posted in it?

"After you were perma-banned as "Lou Diamond" you used dozens of ghosts to produce dozens of flaming threads. All were banned and everything related was deleted."

Is this your answer??? Everything related has been deleted? Complete LIE and FLUFF job. Maybe you should do a search on your pimps site before you spew out Major Jizz.

Minnow, you, as do the majority of posters here, know damn well the Agent X thread was deleted because all your Pimps got caught up in their lies and hypocricies. Thanks for insulting them with your FLUFF JOB and thanks for proving my point.

"I'll risk more of your wrath by adding this: as far as I know. All of this happened well over a year ago, right?"

Yes. but what does a timeline have to do with you fluffing for scumbags who promote theivery?

"I don't even know if I was working there at the time!"

That just proves my point even further, Fluffy. You saw what they did, and than you joined the thieves.

"I have a question for you now. Do you treat people like this in real life?"

Make no mistake Minnow, this is real and in REAL LIFE you are a FLUFFER.

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